Sunday, February 15, 2015

To the People Who Hate Valentine's Day

"It's just a holiday made up by card companies to steal our money! Why would I ever participate in something like that?! I don't need a day set aside to tell people I love them, I can do that whenever I want!" Sure, let's just assume for the moment that everything you're saying is correct. The original goal of Valentine's Day might as well have been to score extra cash for the card and flower companies, and of course you can tell someone you love them everyday. However, if your loved one wants to celebrate Valentine's Day with cheesy cards and heart shaped boxes of chocolate, you should indulge them!
If this is someone you really love, then buying an overpriced bouquet of flowers to make them be happy should be a pleasure. I understand that's it glorified and the whole idea of love can be lost though the media's portrayal of it now a days, but you shouldn't be upset about the holiday because you "don't need a certain day to tell someone you love them." You should be happy to have another reason you get to say it to them again.
As for those single people out there, no need to ruin the fun for the couples - this is still just as much about you as it is about them! Celebrate platonic friendship and familial love, or buy yourself a box of chocolates and eat it in your bed while watching Netflix. Do something that makes you feel good. So Happy Valentine's Day! Single or taken, remember to love and care for yourself more than anyone else! If you're still not in the mood to celebrate, then hang in there! 75% off chocolate is just a day away.

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