Thursday, January 15, 2015

Weird! Why Aren't You Vegan?

My day consists of sleeping, eating, complaining, and trying to mess with people. I recently discovered that you can sign up for weekly or even daily emails from websites just by submitting an email address. Nothing else needed. One of the great things about having our school use iPads is that we are all assigned similar emails: first initial + last name After stumbling across a website called bible gateway, I saw that you could sign up for daily emails and that's when I had an idea: I would sign other people up. After all, I knew their email addresses. Once I had finished signing up a few atheist friends of mine, I went on a quest to find something even better. I was not disappointed. Finally, I found the best website ever: Weird! Why Aren't You Vegan? I was thrilled. I signed up teachers, friends, strangers, and now I'm just waiting for the madness to ensue.

For your own mischievous purposes, here's the link:

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Why I Never Buy Anything

When I was out shopping because of the great after christmas sales, I wound up in a store that was selling calendars for half price. I picked two of them up because I had been looking to buy a calendar, and continued to carry them around the store for the next hour and a half I was in there. One calendar was one of those day by day tear away things with pictures of weird people seen at Walmart and the other was a bunch of dog pictures. It's like they were handcrafted for me and me alone; they were perfect. But as I continued my shopping, I kept thinking about these five or ten dollar calendars that I was going to buy. That's when I noticed a pattern that always seems to occur when I go shopping. The more time that passed since I picked up the calendars, the more I talked myself out of buying them. It almost always reaches the same conclusion: I put the items back. Well, when I say I put them back I mean that I stick them on the nearest shelf when no one is looking. Still, I can't help but feel each time I go out shopping I hold on to things I'm interested in until I eventually talk myself out of buying them. Other people have to do this too though, right?

Saturday, January 3, 2015


When I looked in the fridge, I saw a hunk of some kind of meat wrapped in deli paper and put on the bottom shelf. Upon closer inspection, it turns out it was part of the pot roast we ate on Christmas Eve. I couldn't help but notice something was off, however I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Then it hit me: a perfect example that shows just how unprepared my family is to start the year 2015. On the package, the date clearly showed "12/24/13." One of my parents had yet to adjust to the change of 2014 a shocking 357 days into the year. I can't help but wonder if this means that they'll just start writing 2014 on everything now. Perhaps they're just a year behind.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Watch It!

My watch broke today. (No need for tears, it only cost three bucks at Target.) I suppose you shouldn't expect a cheap watch to be water resistant. When I finally realized my watch was no longer ticking I wondered when it could have possibly broken; it was working just fine that morning. Then it occurred to me that my watch had stopped on the exact time it had broken. I get that it's a pretty simple concept, but I had never thought of that before. I spent hours thinking about it. For some reason, the concept of the watch's time of death being so exact was amusing. I just might continuing wearing the broken watch just so I can laugh every once and a while. So I ask you all to remember my inexpensive little watch, who passed away at 12 seconds past 7:42 pm tonight.